Lake Manyara National Park

The lush green vegetation consisting of tall trees of the ground water forest, the tree climbing lions, the soda lake inhabited with thousands of pink-hued flamingos, large water birds and the troops of baboons and blue monkeys and the rift valley escarpment make your safari to this area unforgettable.

The park derives its name from a plant called Euphorbia tirucalli, known as Emanyara in Maasai language and covers an area of 648.7 km2.

Welcome to Lake Manyara National Park well known for the tree climbing lions, the soda ash lake that attracts thousands and pink flamingos, one of Tanzania’s biggest elephant population and breathtaking scenery! This travel guide offers you the most updated information about the attractions, Lake Manyara accommodation, getting there and so much more. Enjoy your safari in Tanzania!

In only 1 hour and 30 minutes you are able to reach Lake Manyara National Park by road from Arusha and in less than an hour still, if you are coming from the Ngorongoro crater. a number of areas within the northern part of the park get very busy with large numbers of tourists more so in the afternoon. You are advised to stay within the park or nearby for at least two nights to enjoy it to its fullest.